The Need to Speak the Truth

The Need to Speak the Truth

The ELCA Conference of Bishops, the elected clergy leaders of the 65 synods from across the country, recently gathered in Chicago. Patricia Lull, the Bishop of the St. Paul Area Synod, shared the following with our local clergy and other church leaders: All of us in...
Adult Forum Classes for December

Adult Forum Classes for December

Adult Forums in December –Topics cover the book of Esther and its significance today, and a musical forum setting Isaiah to music. Meets at 9:40 a.m., Sundays in the reception room. Enjoy the Christmas Café on Dec. 23. Adult Forum will return in January.

Adult Forum Classes for December

Adult Forum Classes for October

Adult Forum in October hosts speakers on covenant theology; on faith practices rooted in our Lutheran heritage, and faithful responses to issues facing the upcoming mid-term elections. Meets at 9:40 a.m., Sundays in the reception room for the discussions.