Music Ministries

Prince of Peace celebrates the musical talents of our members and provides outlets for these abilities.

Music Ministries

Prince of Peace celebrates the musical talents of our members and provides outlets for these abilities. We have a wide range of musical ensembles that welcome children and adult singers and instrumentalists.

Music is a meaningful expression of the scriptures and theologies of the church. Through our music we can reflect on and live those texts in new and exciting ways.  From the music of Martin Luther and J. S. Bach to current composers, the Lutheran Church has welcomed music that reflects the thoughts and beliefs of the church.

Through music, God’s spirit lives in us. We all have our favorite hymns and styles of music, but new musical pieces are constantly being created as people explore new ways to experience the Word. Through these new pieces we are given the opportunity to have new favorites.

Thank you to the dedicated sound and video technicians who bring virtual Sunday services of Prince of Peace into the homes of people who are joining us online.

Interested in participating in Music Ministry at Prince of Peace? Email one of our music staff:
Kathy Donlan Tunseth – Chancel Choir (adult vocal) & Bells of Peace (adult handbells)
Milt Warkentien – Worship Team & Instrumental Ensembles

Music News

Music Sponsors Needed

Music Sponsors Needed

Milt Warkentien, PoP’s Worship & Music Coordinator, would like to continue inviting professional ensembles for community concerts and to enhance our regular worship experiences. In the past, we’ve had folks generously contribute to our dedicated accounts to...

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Chancel Choir Fall Start – Join Us!

Chancel Choir Fall Start – Join Us!

The members of Chancel Choir and director, Kathy Tunseth, invite you to sing with us during the 2024-2025 season!  We rehearse Wednesday evenings, 7:30 to 8:30 pm in the sanctuary, from September 4 through May 14 and present anthems for worship services two to...

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