October 7– What is Covenant Theology? In biblical history and within the nations surrounding Israel there were a variety of styles of covenant that bound the makers into an agreement or commitment. Steve Sveom will present some of these forms as well as familiar biblical stories to help us u nderstand the covenant of God with Israel (and with us). Covenant is a central theme of the scriptures, and a deeper appreciation may help us as we hear anew the stories of the Bible in the narrative lectionary.
October 14– “As for me and my house”–– faith in daily life: A fresh look at our biblical and Lutheran heritage will be used to suggest the important partnership between the ministry of the congregation and the ministry of the home. David and Gloria Anderson, co-leaders of Milestones Ministry, will lead a discussion on faith practices and resources to help, including one for our new narrative lectionary for Sunday worship. A key text for discussion will be Deuteronomy 6:4-9. David will bring copies of his new book: Shepherd of Souls: Faith Formation through Trusted Relationships, available for purchase.
October 21– What are some of the important issues confronting us as we look toward elections on November 6? Here is an opportunity to discuss them in small groups over a cup of coffee.
October 28– Hear what the Stewardship Committee has to say about what “stewardship” means and about the goals of this November’s giving campaign.