December 2– We all have stories of faith…some may seem routine and some more unusual. Some have a message of discouragement or trial while others tell about victory and hope. Simple stories of faith build us up as a body of Christ as we hear each other tell stories of God’s work among us, in us, for us and through us. Our eyes may become more open to God’s work in us and in those around us as we share together. With a few questions to enable discussion, we will encourage each other to see God’s work, support one another and celebrate our faith through intergenerational conversations.
December 9–We hear that Esther must plead for her people in today’s lectionary. Come learn more about the book of Esther, why its inclusion in Scripture was seen as controversial and its significance for both Jews and Christians today. And what is the festival Purim about? Scott Tunseth and Carol Swanson will be our presenters.
December 16– Setting Isaiah to music: In the sanctuary, come hear John Hermanson sing Isaiah 42 and hear him tell how he works with texts from the prophets in his music. (John’s CDs will be available for purchase.)
December 23– Christmas Café Time! There is no Adult Forum this week. We will return January 6, 2019.