A Big Fish Tale
Following God is not always easy. Jonah knows this first hand and we think there’s a lot to be learned from Jonah’s story. So join us on Sunday mornings this August and discover some the wisdom God revealed to Jonah and just might reveal to us.
May Women’s Circle Bible Studies
The May Women’s Bible study will be “From Generation to Generation: A Two-Way Blessing.” Scripture is from Genesis, Exodus, Luke and John. How does one generation work with another – now and in biblical times? What values have we learned from our own mother’s and grandmother’s stories? See more information about the Circle Meetings.
April Women’s Circle Bible Studies
The April women’s bible study will be “Friends for Life in Christ.” It is the last of the series on The Gospel of John: meetings with Jesus. This month we will study John 20 and 21, meeting the Risen Christ through his appearances with Mary Magdalene, Thomas, and Peter, the Beloved Disciple.
March Women’s Circle Bible Studies
The March women’s bible study will be “Friends for Life in Christ.” It is the third of four in a series on The Gospel of John, meetings with Jesus. Jesus transforms the lives of those he meets. This month we will examine the conflict over the Adulterous Woman (John 8), the healing of the blind man (John 9), and the raising of Lazarus (John 11). If you do not participate in a circle, you are invited to try out one of the following four circle gatherings. Contact information for the gatherings are listed.