Join us at Prince of Peace for a night of spooky organ music, storytime, trick-or-treating, and fun! Costumes are encouraged. This is a free event and is open to all who are looking to get into the Halloween spirit! Schedule for the evening: 5:15 pm -Free Dinner 6:00...
Thursday, October 17 from 10am-12pm Everyone is invited to PoP for a morning of projects, including: Cloud of Saints; wood chips & landscaping; garage maintenance. Bring gloves & 5 gallon buckets if you have them. Other projects may be added.
The dates & sign-up for Prince of Peace’s Every Meal distribution at Central Park Elementary are LIVE! All dates on the sign-up are Fridays unless they are indicated otherwise. Please plan on arriving at 10:00am on the day of your service. Depending on...
The pop machine at Prince of Peace has moved to the northwest entrance (near the youth room). Pop costs $.75 and all proceeds support PoP’s Youth Ministry. Please reach out to Julene Hannesh with any questions.
Resume September 15! PoP Children & Youth programs resume on September 15 for the year. Specific information and schedules for each age group can be found on the website. Click on the categories below to see the website pages: 0-3 Yr. Olds; Preschool-4th Graders:...