Sunday, July 21; 10:45am Are you curious about what a Bookkeeper does? Have you ever wondered what steps PoP takes to ensure that we are good stewards of our financial resources? Are you confused about the difference between Prince of Peace’s Operating Budget and...
Last week we received an email update from Pastor Mdegela at Vikongwa Parish. He opens his greetings with the following words: “We have every reason to thank God who established these good relationships between you at Prince of Peace and us, it has been a very...
Launching Monday, April 29; 2024 One of Prince of Peace’s core values is Generosity. With the help of our online giving partner, Vanco, we have redesigned our page to make it even easier to be generous through online giving! The new page will be available...
WOW! Once again, we’ve experienced how much Prince of Peace values generosity through the donations to the different causes we have lifted up during Lent. We are so grateful for all the ways in which our members support the ministry we share, whether here at...
Monday, March 11; 6:30pm @ Our Redeemer Church in St. Paul All are welcome to come hear the latest news about what God is doing through Iringa and Bega kwa Bega (the St. Paul Area Synod’s partnership with the Iringa Diocese in Tanzania) Gather to hear the news from...