Saturday, April 5; 9:00 – 11:00am Last year the congregational council created three ‘spheres’ to help tend to the mission and ministry of Prince of Peace. The “Loving the World” sphere focuses on the Congregational Care, Local Mission (Social Concerns),...
Do you want to hear the good news out of the synod’s companionship with the Iringa Diocese in Tanzania? Bega Kwa Bega Director Kirsten Levorson will bring news from the Iringa Diocese and parishes, and affiliate organizations will bring updates on their work. No...
In Iringa Tanzania, the new school year has started! The Bega kwa Bega team has visited the 6 schools run by the Iringa Diocese to make scholarship payments, verify sponsored students, and get photos to share with partner congregations! Thanks to the generosity...
Sunday, March 2; 12:00pm We are planning to visit our Tanzanian Companion Congregations of Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa in August or September 2025. If you have a strong interest in joining this year’s travel group, we will meet on March 2at 12:00pm in the Meeting Room...
Many, many thanks to all who contributed to the success of our Tanzania dinner – whether through your time, talents, attendance or financial resources! Our annual dinner raises funds to support our partnership with the congregations of Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa in...