Grow & Give from your Garden

Grow & Give from your Garden

Are you growing vegetables this summer?  You have the opportunity to help feed neighbors in our community this summer by growing vegetables for Sheridan’s Story. Here’s the invitation for this summer service project from Sheridan’s Story:  You can join our initiative...
Roseville Partners with The Sheridan Story

Sheridan Story Packing Event

Everyone ages 8 and up is invited to join us to pack food at Sheridan’s Story on Thursday, March 26 from 6-8 p.m. Sign up in the narthex or contact Pastor Betsy at Sheridan’s Story is the organization that provides weekend food to go into...
Filling Backpacks and Hearts

Filling Backpacks and Hearts

Click Here to Sign Up 2019-20 Sheridan Story Food Distribution We continue to distribute weekend food at both Central Park Elementary and Roseville Area Middle School.  We need to fill up our volunteer slots for the rest of this school year.  Please make note of the...