Tanzania Trip 2019

Tanzania Trip 2019

Representatives of Prince of Peace Church will be traveling to visit our brothers and sisters in Bomalang’ombe, Tanzania, in June, 2019. They will worship, build relationships and see the good work that God is doing through our partnership. Here is information on how you can help prepare for the trip.

Holy Hammers Habitat is Complete

Holy Hammers Habitat is Complete

Another Holy Hammers Habitat house is completed after many volunteer hours at the St. Paul site. Prince of Peace volunteers work with volunteers from 15 other churches which make up the Holy Hammers group. Thank you to all.

Message from our Kenyan missionaries

Message from our Kenyan missionaries

Our Kenyan missionaries Julia & Vincent Leiyoole are serving the Northern Kenyan area during May’s torrential rains. They took relief supplies to Arsim, Kenya, where their mission station is located. They provided food, clothing, and much more including funds to purchase 23 goats. This is a message shared by Anne and Gus Haugan.

2018 Habitat for Humanity Schedule

2018 Habitat for Humanity Schedule

A call is going out for volunteers to work with Holy Hammers–Habitat for Humanity, building a home on Geranium Ave. East in St. Paul. There are seven work days in April, May, and June. Please sign up at church or call the office at 651-484-4144. Prince of Peace Church is a partner in Holy Hammers, an ecumenical consortium of 15 north metro churches working to bring affordable housing to our community.