Why Jesus?
One thing is certain: God has big things in mind for us. And to uncover the “where” and “what” and “when” of how this will play out, we first have to answer the question of “why;” and, in particular, “why Jesus?”
Making Room for Something New
Are there things in your life that need to be left behind in order to make room for something new? Perhaps you’ve outgrown a relationship or you’ve nurtured a habit that needs to be given far less time and attention. Could your priorities be rearranged to allow for less fear and more joy?
The Revelation of Epiphany?
Perhaps you might consider letting the rhythm of the church calendar help to keep some perspective on these short winter days. Yes, God has come and the revelation of Epiphany is that God lived among us in a human body and continues to live among us now in a body of humans, the church.