Epiphany Worship Series starting January 10
God has come into the world and everything starts to change. Jesus doesn’t waste any time turning things right side up again and it’s time to get to work. Look around you, can you find a place that doesn’t need God’s attention and ours? These stories of Jesus’ early ministry are an opportunity for inspiration, and maybe a little perspiration too.
Sunday, January 10 – “Get Wet”
The world has been overrun by a self-serving empire and the paths we take, to follow or to avoid, couldn’t be more crooked. But the way forward is as straight as it gets and it leads God right to us.
Focus Text: Luke 3:1-22
Sunday, January 17 – “Extend a Hand”
Jesus reads from the prophet Isaiah and his hearers are impressed. Then Jesus connects the ancient text to his modern life and the crowds change their tune. How do we respond when the prophet or the preacher strikes a little too close to home?
Focus Text: Luke 3:1-22
Sunday, January 24 – “Cast a Net”
The work-a-day world is not going so well until Jesus steps in, calling his first disciples saying “soon you will be fishing for people.”
Focus Text: Luke 5:1-11
Sunday, January 31 – “Take a Stand”
“That’s not how it’s done!” Even the most faithful can lose sight of the reason behind the rules. Jesus’ story is filled with convention-challenging action. This week, we’ll ask what matters more, the rules or the reason?
Focus Text: Luke 6:1-16
Sunday, February 7 – “Be Amazed”
A centurion trusts that Jesus can heal his slave, even from a distance. This outsider has a clear understanding of Jesus’ authority and ability to heal. Jesus is astounded at his faith. How are we to understand the authority of Christ in our lives? What does faith mean when it comes to healing?
Focus Text: Luke 7:1-17
Sunday, February 14 – “Do Great Things”
Peter, James and John climb a mountain with Jesus, getting a glimpse of heaven on earth in this story of Transfiguration. But too soon they come down the mountain, back into everyday reality.
Focus Text: Luke 9:28-36