Dates: March 9, 16, 23, 30; April 6, 13 (Palm Sunday), 20 (Easter) Thespians of all ages and abilities are needed for Sunday morning skits. There are speaking and non-speaking roles. You would perform at both services (8:30 &10:45am) and practice between services...
Wednesday, November 27 Worship @ 6:30pm; Pie to follow Join us Wednesday, November 27 at 6:30pm for our Thanksgiving Eve service and Pie Social! Prince of Peace’s high school youth group will be dishing up pie and collecting free-will donations to support their...
Sunday, December 1 @ 9:40-10:40amPoP Gym The congregation is invited to the open house baby shower for Julene & Andrew Hannesh. Their baby boy is due at the end of December. Gifts are not expected; your presence is a gift! If you choose to gift, they are...
Resume September 15! PoP Children & Youth programs resume on September 15 for the year. Specific information and schedules for each age group can be found on the website. Click on the categories below to see the website pages: 0-3 Yr. Olds; Preschool-4th Graders:...
Sunday, September 8 @ 9:40-10:40am This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most...