This is a continuation in a series of stories from Prince of Peace members, telling how they multiplied the talents they received for the “Investing for Good” initiative this past spring. The teller of today’s story wishes to remain anonymous.
I asked my two grandsons if they would donate to charities through our church if I made them a good meal. They took me up on the offer. They come quite often anyway! [Editor’s note: Based on what I’ve heard of this woman’s cooking – let alone the welcome she no doubt always shows her grandsons – it’s no wonder they regularly show up! And as the Rev. Justin Grimm from the St. Paul Area Synod Office said of this story, “There’s nothing like a little bribery for a good cause!”]
Anonymous tripled her initial talent, designating the proceeds to LSS “Families Together”/SPAS Planting Hope campaign and Settled.