Join the Affordable Housing Team and other friends from Prince of Peace for a Virtual Potluck. Think summer picnic on Zoom. Virtual Potlucks will be held on Wednesday, July 8 at 6 p.m. and Sunday, July 12 at 6 p.m. It’s a bring-your-own food event. Be prepared to tell the group about the most unique thing you brought to the potluck!
Potluck and social time from 6-6:30 p.m. At 6:30 the Affordable Housing Team will give a presentation about ideas for using the 2 1/4 acres of land south of the parking lot to build affordable housing. This will be followed by a time for Q&A. Last fall we learned from the school district’s homeless liaison that there are 250+ school-age children, plus their families, who are homeless or unstably housed in the Roseville Area School District. We are called to love our neighbors and this would be a very tangible way to love our neighbors right here in Roseville.
Unable to join us for the Virtual Potlucks? Watch the discussion here.