Launching Monday, April 29; 2024

One of Prince of Peace’s core values is Generosity.  With the help of our online giving partner, Vanco, we have redesigned our page to make it even easier to be generous through online giving!  The new page will be available starting Monday, April 29 and offers a friendly and informative way to give to the mission and ministries of Prince of Peace.  Some of the features include:

  1. Each ‘cause’ appears on a tile.  You can click on the tile to make a donation or to learn more about the ministry.  These tiles will include our ongoing ministries such as the general operating budget as well as seasonal ministries such as the upcoming Benefit Concert.
  2. There is also a tile for event registrations such as the Senior Social or Youth Trip registrations.
  3. To donate to a cause, select the tile, the amount you’d like to donate and any additional note (such as who a memorial gift is in honor of).  You can choose whether you want your gift to be one-time or recurring.
  4. Donations are added to a ‘Basket’.  You can add multiple gifts to the basket and proceed to Payment when you are ready to check out.
  5. Gifts can be made either with a Credit Card or with a Bank Account.  There will be an option to add an additional amount to cover the online giving fees (3% for credit card payments, 1% for bank account payments).  The additional amount isn’t required but it is certainly appreciated!
  6. After you enter your payment information you’ll receive a screen that lets you review the details of your gift before you submit for payment.
  7. You also have the option to set up a username and password, which will let you save your payment information to make it easier to donate in the future.

We greatly appreciate all the ways in which you support the mission and ministry of Prince of Peace!  If you have any questions about the new page, or other ways to give, please reach out to our bookkeeper, Caryn Josephson ( or Kristin Bloxham in the office.

Check out the photos below to see what each step looks like on the redesigned giving page!

Step 1: Tiles
Step 2: Event Registration
Step 3: One Time Gift
3. Recurring Gift
4. Basket
5. Payment Method
6. Review Payment Details