February 25 – April 7
March 6 Update – Thank you for the many food donations! Don’t forget to donate cash also as that helps the food shelves to purchase commodities at a cheaper cost and to obtain fresh produce and dairy products.
Prince of Peace participates in this drive to restock over 300 food shelves in greater Minnesota. Food shelf usage is climbing at record levels. Now in its 43rd year, this is the largest food and fund drive in Minnesota involving faith communities, businesses, community organizations, and individuals.
We will be collecting food and money from Feb. 25 through April 7. By giving cash your financial donation stretches as food shelves can buy food at discount prices and purchase items needed most. We can also contribute to the variety of choices available to those served by the food shelf when we donate items from our pantry or grocery carts.
A recent visit to Keystone’s brand new grocery store-style food shelf revealed that the “baking supplies” shelves were woefully understocked. During this campaign you are encouraged to contribute the ingredients for baking: flour, sugar (granulated, powdered, brown), baking powder, yeast, oil, peanut butter, dried fruit, nuts, etc. Let’s fill our cart with all the wonderful things needed for families to enjoy some special treats.
Donations of food will be delivered to Keystone Community Services and their state-of-the-art food pantry at 1800 W. University Ave.
Financial donations can be made to Prince of Peace designated “Food Shelf”