Building a Church for All Generations

This year, we embarked on an exciting journey to strengthen our ministry through our new organizational structure, guided by three spheres of focus. Echoing our mission to build the church and love the world, the Build the Church sphere encompasses our worship and music, faith formation, generosity, and invitational ministries. In 2024, this sphere witnessed transformative growth and innovation, most notably through the addition of Alyssa Herrig as our Minister for Family Fun, Faith Formation,...

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Loving the World: Transforming Lives Through the Sacred Settlement

As part of our Love the World sphere, Prince of Peace is living out its call to care for our neighbors in need through the Sacred Settlement. This ministry embodies a full-community approach to supporting those experiencing chronic homelessness, offering stability, dignity, and hope through intentional relationships and shared resources. In 2024, the Sacred Settlement experienced remarkable growth, with three key developments that continue to transform lives. First, the Sacred Settlement...

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Ministry Support: Caring for Our Spaces, Serving Our Community

The Ministry Support sphere of our mission ensures that the foundation of our ministry—our facilities, resources, and operations—remains strong, sustainable, and welcoming to all. This year, a key development in this area has been the formation of the new Property Management Team (PMT), created by our church council to provide focused attention on the care and improvement of our facilities and grounds. Facilitated by Kristin Bloxham, our Office Administrator, the PMT brings together a rotating...

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A Letter from the Pastor

Dear Friends,

What an incredible year it has been for Prince of Peace! As we reflect on all that we have experienced and accomplished together, I am reminded of the power of stories—stories that shape us, connect us, and inspire us to live out our faith in meaningful ways. That is why our theme for this year, Story Matters, has felt so timely and transformative.

In the compilation of this Annual Report, you will find the stories of our congregation: stories of faith in action, of hope shared, of lives touched by the love of God. These are not just reports of numbers or activities; they are glimpses of how our ministry teams are living into our mission to build the church and love the world.


Michael Stetzler


We are claimed, gathered, and sent to build the Church and love the World.


Our vision is for a vibrant community that seeks a transformational relationship with God, our neighbors, and one another, while responding authentically, creatively, and justly to the most compelling needs of our community.

More Ministry Stories

Reports from our staff and ministry leaders.


Build A Church Sphere

By Deborah Cordes God is up to something good at Prince of Peace! I am certain of that! As congregation council president, Build A Church sphere leader and member of Prince of Peace, I have a few random thoughts to share. As a people of God, you amaze me! We step up,...

Musical Talent

Musical Talent

by Milt Warkentien I hope you were able to be at, or live stream, the December 22nd Lessons and...

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Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

by Carol Swanson Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the PoP devotions this year. We are...

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Adult Education

Adult Education

by Carol Swanson “Story Matters” has been our current overarching theme, and we have heard some...

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by Alyssa Herrig Nestled in the back corner of our Sanctuary is the “Creation Station.” It is a...

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Love the World

by Caryn Josephson A gas card. Assistance with an apartment deposit. A scholarship for a student in Tanzania. Missionaries in Slovakia and Kenya. Construction help for a Habitat for Humanity house. Bars for a funeral. Weekend food in a child’s backpack. A pair of warm...

Food Shelf News

Food Shelf News

by Anne Haugan Gary Peterson, volunteer extraordinaire, in 2024 has delivered  1,134 pounds...

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Ministry Support Sphere

by Steve Sveom My role as a co-chair for the ministry support sphere has been mainly to work toward good building and property use. How can our facility accommodate and encourage the ministry of Prince of Peace? I’d like to tell the story of three people who are...



by Roger Hintze As I was leaving church this morning I paused to observe a commotion going...

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We welcome all of God’s children through open doors to be in RELATIONSHIP with one another and with God in ever deepening ways.

We respond with GENEROSITY to the world, reflecting the abundance of God’s love present in our lives and made available to all.

CARING for each other, our neighbors and all of God’s creation as we are inspired to offer genuine compassion and love.

We nurture the FAITH given to each of us, listening for how God’s story informs our own and practicing our response.

We are always LEARNING, remaining curious about God’s ever-changing world and our place within it.