by Scott Tunseth
I am especially excited about one of PoP’s core values, which states: “We are always LEARNING, remaining curious about God’s ever-changing world and our place in it.” It’s great to be part of a community of faith that values education, no matter what age we happen to be. I am amazed at the vibrant adults who faithfully attend our Sunday forums and other conversations, such as the group that meets to talk about process theology. I cherish the opportunity to meet with others who have a similar passion for learning in the adult education team. Once a month we meet to wrestle with the Bible texts of the Narrative Lectionary and imagine how they might come to life in some kind of learning forum. We also think about what is happening in the community and who might teach us something about how faith is at work, and how the faithful work of others can inspire our own stories of faith and service.
My faith story at PoP also includes frequent participation in worship leadership, especially as part of the Chancel Choir, a group of fun and committed folks who lead the congregation in song and sing the story of God’s love and justice. My personal story includes 60+ continuous years of singing in a choir of some kind. I am deeply grateful that singing has been such an important part of my life. I’m also happy to participate occasionally in worship leadership and preaching.
Stories matter! Especially the stories of faith that we live and share together. Those stories are being created and lived out each day. What chapter is currently being written in your life?