Dear Friends,
What an incredible year it has been for Prince of Peace! As we reflect on all that we have experienced and accomplished together, I am reminded of the power of stories—stories that shape us, connect us, and inspire us to live out our faith in meaningful ways. That is why our theme for this year, Story Matters, has felt so timely and transformative.
In the compilation of this Annual Report, you will find the stories of our congregation: stories of faith in action, of hope shared, of lives touched by the love of God. These are not just reports of numbers or activities; they are glimpses of how our ministry teams are living into our mission to build the church and love the world.
You’ll read about the ways our worship ministry is deepening faith and bringing people together in praise. You’ll see how we’re sharing compassion and resources with our neighbors in need. You’ll hear about how we’re nurturing the faith of children, youth, and adults through vibrant learning opportunities. And you’ll discover how each of our ministries is contributing to a greater story of transformation, one step at a time.
Every story here points back to the God who calls us into this shared work: the God who, through Jesus, is building us into a community of love, grace, and purpose. As we reflect on the year behind us, let us give thanks for all the ways God is working in and through us—and let us look ahead with renewed energy to the story God is still writing in our midst.
Thank you for being a vital part of this community and for the ways you contribute to our mission. Your faith, your gifts, and your presence make a difference. Together, we are building the church and loving the world, one story at a time.
With deep gratitude and hope,
-Pastor Peter