I am so glad that we can stay connected digitally even though it is not like being together in person. Attached is the At-Home Sunday School lesson for this week to do as a family. As we’ve been doing when we were together, it is on the same story that you will hear in online worship on Sunday at 8:30 a.m., or whenever it works best for you to tune in. Each week we will have a special Children’s Message for you. Please know that we are sending these resources to you to use if they are helpful for your family. If it feels like you’ve been bombarded all week with too much news, screen time, resource ideas and just plain overload, it might work better for you to just unplug over the weekend. Know that we support you in that.

Sunday School At-Home & on Facebook Live

The attached lesson is to do with your family. Watch Pastor Betsy present an introduction to the lesson “live” on Facebook Sundays at 9:30am or anytime after. Also, if you have middle school or high schoolers, Cori will be doing Foundations via Zoom on Sunday at 10:45, so watch for an invite to that.

Worship & Coloring Sheet

Be sure to join us for worship!  A video of our Sunday morning services will go ‘live’ on our YouTube Channel at 8:30 am on Sunday.  (If you’re not an 8:30 worshipper or that time doesn’t work, don’t worry, you can view it any time after that as well).  As you know the theme for worship is the same as what we use in Sunday School so they compliment each other.  I’m also attaching a coloring sheet so you can have your very own coloring table!

PoP Pals

Pastor Ruth is pairing families up with older members of the congregation to be pen pals and connect in creative ways.  More info in the Sunday School lesson.  We’ve already had feedback from people who have received cards or drawings from some of you.  They love it!  Email Pastor Ruth to be paired up with someone.

Faith Finder Fun: Creative Wednesdays with Pastor Betsy

If you haven’t had a chance to tune in yet to Creative Wednesdays with Pastor Betsy, here is the link for the first episode, go to the Faith Finder Fun YouTube Channel.  You may want to subscribe to the channel and like the Facebook Page, both called Faith Finder Fun.  Each day there is a 3-5 minute video around a bible story or bible verse with an activity.  There’s Backyard Monday, Treasure Tuesday, Creative Wednesday, Magic Thursday, Science Friday and Random Saturday.  

Prince of Peace Family Ministry Facebook Group

If you aren’t already part of this, please request to join this group.  Our Prince of Peace Facebook page (a public page) and the Family Ministry Facebook Group (a closed group) are ways we are staying connected and sharing info during this time of self-quarantine.


Betsy Hoium, Pastor for Faith Formation

Thank you to all of you who have created your self portrait!  We are posting them in our virtual gallery on Facebook every day.  If you have not already done this, you are invited to participate.  A couple options:  (a) pick up 6×6 canvases at church during business hours or (b) cut out a 6×6 square out of cardboard or paper and use that.  You can drop your self portrait off at the church during business hours.  (For now anyway the day care and thus the building is open 6 am – 6 pm).  Put your portrait in the basket in the narthex.

Praying that you are able to keep in touch with friends and family as we all love our neighbors by staying home as much as possible.

Grace and peace, 

Pastor Betsy