Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week Schedule

While our Holy Week this year is taking on a different shape, we hope you’ll find plenty of ways to keep connected with the unfolding story of Jesus. Services will be available on our YouTube Channel at the times listed.

A Message from Pastor Peter

A Message from Pastor Peter

Without a doubt, the circumstances of a global pandemic have conspired to make this Lenten season one to remember. Updates are issued almost by the hour and it’s hard not to feel oppressed by the weight and uncertainty of it all. With all this chaos swirling about, I suspect I’m not alone in feeling cut loose from a secure mooring.

Easter Floral Display

Easter Floral Display

Please help transform the church for Easter morning with donations or floral purchase. Flowers have been pre-ordered with sufficient quantities for all!
Flowers can be purchased and taken home after the 10:45 service. Use your best judgment when selecting florals to take home or an average of $10 per plant.

POSTPONED! – Easter Egg Hunt

POSTPONED! – Easter Egg Hunt

A Family-friendly FREE Event for All Ages!  SUNDAY, APRIL 5th from 1-2:30 pm Featuring 5,000 eggs (food, allergy-friendly and non food options).  Join us at 1:00 for games and activities. Egg Hunt will begin at 1:30, with refreshments being served at 2:00 pm. ALL ARE...
Pastor Peter: Life Bursts Forth

Pastor Peter: Life Bursts Forth

It feels really good to be one the other side of Holy Week.  Not only is the tomb discovered empty and a risen Jesus greets us, new life seems to be returning all around us in the greening grass, the blooming flowers, and leaves bursting forth from the branches.