Ways to Respond: Look for the Helpers
What can you do to respond to the issues of racial justice and violence in our community? The first answer is to not do anything but to listen. Listen hard to our black and brown neighbors. Then you can “Look for the helpers” as Fred Rogers said on his TV...Book Group: White Fragility by Robin Diangelo
PoP Member Barb Burkhardt is organizing an online book group to discuss White Fragility: Why it is so hard for whites to talk about racism by Robin Diangelo. The group will look at issues of systemic racism and how we can respond. The group will meet...Book Study: Anne Lamott’s “Traveling Mercies”
“At once tough, personal, affectionate, wise, and very funny, Traveling Mercies tells in exuberant detail how Anne Lamott learned to shine the light of faith on the darkest part of ordinary life, exposing surprising pockets of meaning and hope.” Read at your own pace and join in a discussion group gathering each Sunday evening for four weeks beginning September 16 from 6:30-8pm. PoP member Suzan Hurlbut will be facilitating the discussion each week.