Provocative and thoughtful conversations are intended to spark your imagination and help participants explore the full spectrum of faith and life. Guest speakers and featured presenters on a whole range of topics are scheduled and curated by the Adult Ed Committee. Often the topics are intended to complement the stories that are explored in worship or other areas of our life together.
Sunday Forum takes place from 9:40-10:40am most Sunday mornings during the program year. We will gather in the reception room, enabling us to broadcast our presentations and discussions, using Zoom for those who prefer to connect remotely (see the link above). Frequently, these sessions will also be recorded and available for viewing later.
Click here for a video tutorial if you are unfamiliar with connecting via Zoom. Note, this does require that you install an application on the device you plan to use (desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone) so you’ll want to be prepared in advance of our scheduled meeting time.
Coming up at Sunday Forum
Sunday Forum | Sundays during Lent at 9:40am
For five Sundays in Lent, the adult education committee will take turns leading the Sunday Forum by using a unique spiritual practice called Visio Divina Bible Study. We will discover the meaning of Bible texts through conversation and by meditating on the texts...
Past Sunday Forums
Sunday Forum | March 2; 9:40am
Pastor Wendy Vie Trittin will lead the adult forum on Transfiguration Sunday, March 2. She will share her thoughts and experiences on transfiguration and transgender transition, which, for her, is a spiritual process that includes suffering, inner life, co-creation,...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, February 9; 9:40am
Join us for a vital Sunday Forum presentation on Emergency Preparedness in Church, led by Bjorn Christ, EMT. This session will provide an overview of the latest protocols for CPR, AED use, and the administration of Narcan, equipping us with essential skills to respond to medical emergencies.
Sunday Forum | Sunday, January 19; 9:40am
Mission Possible: Aligning Vision with Action
What does it mean to live with purpose? This Sunday Forum will explore the mission statements that shape our lives and communities, including Jesus’ declaration in Luke 4:14-30, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s prophetic vision of justice, and our congregation’s mission to be the church God has imagined. Through discussion, we’ll uncover how these missions intersect, challenge, and inspire us to build the church and love the world.
Sunday Forum | Sunday, December 8; 9:40am
A Fascination with Angels What does the bible say about angels? What do we believe about angels today? In this forum we will use an article by Luther Seminary professor emeritus Michael Rogness as a guide to discuss these questions. You can come...
Sunday Forum | November 10; 9:40am
A Deep Dive Into a Whale of a Tale Together with Pastor Peter, explore the story of Jonah in depth, reflecting on its themes of calling, resistance, and transformation. This forum will also provide space for open discussion and thoughtful engagement with the recent...
Sunday Forum | October 20; 9:40am
What's the Big Deal with David? Join us for a thought-provoking presentation by Old Testament scholar Dr. Kathryn Schifferdecker, as she explores the enduring significance of King David in shaping modern Christianity. Here's how Dr. Schifferdecker describes her...
Sunday Forum | September 15 @ 9:40am
According to family systems theory, family of origin dynamics is universal across the human species and nature. They also replicate automatically in future generations and appear in all human relationships and organizations. Accessing at least three generations of wisdom in your family through self-differentiation and curiosity can provide perspective, calm anxiety, and direct one’s life. Wendy believes such self-work is a vital component of spirituality.
Special 90-min Sunday Forum | Native Nations: Standing Together for Civil Rights
Sunday, August 18; 10:45am On August 18, following the worship service, you are invited to a special 90-minute adult forum to view and discuss the ELCA video, Native Nations: Standing Together for Civil Rights. Hear indigenous leaders, activists and organizers, tell...
Sunday Forum | April 28; 9:40am
In the Shade and in the Shadows One of the first things our Campus Planning Task Force did last year was to codify some of the ways we are responding to the homeless in our community. Knowing that our parking lot was regularly providing shelter to people living...
Sunday Forum | April 7; 9:40am
On Sunday, April 7, the Sunday Forum welcomes back Kristofer Phan Coffman, professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary. In January he presented us with a fascinating overview of the Gospel of Mark. At this forum he will explore the influence of the Apostle Paul's...
Sunday Forum | February 4; 9:40am
On Sunday, February 4 Dave Scherer and Joe Davis will lead Sunday Forum. Their time will center around Corel West's quote "Justice is what love looks like in public." This Forum is open to all ages and will be child and youth friendly....
Sunday Forum | January 21; 9:40am
Council members will review and answer questions about proposed amendments to our constitution and bylaws. These proposed amendments will be voted on at our congregational meeting on January 28.The main effect of the proposed changes would be to pave the way for...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, December 3; 9:40am
As we begin Advent we have the opportunity to view and learn more about the unique and inspiring creativity of The Saint John’s Bible, especially the Isaiah illumination, “Messianic Predictions” and the Gospels’ "Birth of Christ" and "The Word Made Flesh.” Our...
Sunday Forum | November 12; 9:40am
Kristyn Buetow from Minnesota Waste Wise will be leading an open conversation and presentation about recycling right at church and at home. The information session will include details about Minnesota's recycling goals and rules, the benefits of recycling, how the...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, October 22; 9:40am
Leadership & Lament in Israel The ancient kings of Israel, like David, faced many challenges in living out their callings to lead God’s people. Sometimes, they excelled, often they fell far short. The modern state of Israel and the Palestinians who also call...
Sunday Forum | October 1 @ 9:40am
Join Scott Tunseth as he explores the many names of God and considers what they mean for our life of faith.
Sunday Forum | April 16; 9:40am
Where Are We Coming From? Leading with Christian Love as we Communicate about Sexuality Set aside some time to reflect on your own sexuality education, consider inclusive Christian perspectives as they relate to sexuality, and craft an intention...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, February 23; 9:40am
Social Justice Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), a groundbreaking program uniquely housed at the Minnesota Correctional Facility–Stillwater, offers hands-on training for faith leaders, seminarians, and incarcerated men, focusing on spiritual care and social justice.
Sunday Forum | Sunday, February 2; 9:40am
Sabbath is an important part of the biblical story from creation, to the ten commandments, to controversies between Jesus and the religious leaders of his day. It continues to have significance for us today. The forum on February 2 will allow us to consider the...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, January 12; 9:40am
Join us for a special Sunday Forum led by Dr. Jennifer Pietz, Assistant Professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary, as she offers an engaging introduction to the Gospel of Luke. Dr. Pietz will explore the unique themes, structure, and theological insights of Luke’s account, providing a deeper understanding of its significance in the New Testament.
Sunday Forum | Sunday, November 24; 9:40am
The word of God that came to Judah through Jeremiah is severe in its condemnation of Judah’s faithlessness to Yahweh. They have broken the covenant with God and have gone after other gods. Therefore they suffer by the hands of the powerful Babylonian nation. They have...
Sunday Forum | November 3; 9:40am
https://youtu.be/KQ3-9Gpv6Cs 1 IN 6 NEIGHBORS In Minnesota experienced food insecurity in 2021. That's 483,000 people. 1 IN 7 KIDS Didn't have regular access to the nutrition needed to thrive. SENIORS Are the fastest-growing group of food pantry visitors. Second...
Sunday Forum | October 13; 9:40am
Our guest presenter is Kelly Miller, an enrolled member of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. She is the newly appointed Chief Program Officer, former Director of the Department of Indian Work of Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul. This is an organization who...
Sunday Forum | September 22 @ 9:40am
In Your Dreams! Listening for God Scott Tunseth and Suzan Hurlbut discuss how the story of Joseph in Genesis reminds us that dreams matter, especially when we hear or experience the presence of God. How might dreams and spirituality be connected? How do dreams become...
Sunday Forum | May 12 @ 9:40am
Talking About Mental Health Is Prince of Peace a community that welcomes people who have experienced a mental illness? How could we become more welcoming and provide safe places for people to share their experience and questions? The Rev. Hannah...
Earth Day Congregational Event
Kristyn Buetow of Minnesota Waste Wise will lead an information session on organics recycling (AKA compost) to prepare the congregation for the roll-out of organics recycling at Prince of Peace.
Sunday Forums During Lent 2024
Luther's Seven Visible Marks of the Church Martin Luther gave a full statement of his doctrine of the church in his 1539 treatise On the Councils and the Church. He expanded on this understanding of the church in answering a most basic question for...
Sunday Forum | January 28; 9:40am
The story of the Gerasene Demoniac and his healing by Jesus in Mark 5:1-20 is a story that appears in all three Synoptic Gospels. Why is this story of demon possession and Jesus' act of healing so important? What questions does this story raise? What...
Sunday Forum | January 7; 9:40am
Danielle Igbanugo from the organization, Coated in Love, will share about their special annual December event, “3000 Acts of Kindness” where volunteers provide more than 3000 of Minnesota’s homeless with free lunch, hair cuts, dental service, clothing, and much more....
Sunday Forum | Sunday, November 19; 9:40am
Architects Shape Next Steps for PoP Campus At the end of September the HGA Architectural and Engineering firm included Prince of Peace as a participant in a design and planning workshop. Some creative ideas for future campus development were generated,...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, November 5; 9:40am
In September Jim and Caryn Josephson traveled to Tanzania to visit our partners in Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa. In this Adult Forum, they will share stories and pictures of their journey and give an update on the amazing things that God is doing through this partnership.
Sunday Forum | October 8; 9:40am
Catechism, Creed & Commandments What do you remember about your years in confirmation? Can you still remember Luther’s explanations or the Bible verse you recited before the congregation? As our middle-schoolers launch into a new year of confirmation, Pastor...
Sunday Forum | May 14 @ 9:40am
The Sunday Forum on Sunday, May 14, is an opportunity for congregational participation in the work of the Campus Planning Task Force. Hear about projects the Task Force will be studying and the decision factors that will help to evaluate potential...
Sunday Forum | April 23; 9:40am
How Christian Communities Can Promote Inclusivity for Those with Invisible Disabilities April 23, 2023 Adult Forum discussion led by Dr. Rachelle Hansen, a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Neurodevelopmental Conditions: Through word and deed, Jesus...
Sunday Forum | February 16; 9:40am
John the Baptist is one of the most fascinating and colorful people in the New Testament. He has sparked imagination and speculation. So, what do we know about him? How has he appeared in art? What do you think of him? Come join us. Presenter: Carol Swanson...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, January 26; 9:40am
A revised plan has been developed to place a set of fixed solar panels on the flat portions of our roof. This Forum will be a presentation that details the specifics of this new proposal and offer an opportunity for the congregation to ask questions prior to the Semi-Annual meeting.
Sunday Forum | Sunday, December 15; 9:40am
Gifts Too Good to be True Scams have existed for as long as humans have. Before the internet, scammers used more basic, offline techniques, like swiping credit card applications from your physical mailbox or calling you on the phone to manipulate you into revealing...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, November 17; 9:40am
This Sunday, the Sunday Forum will address the questions of what has changed in worship space and how that has reflected our theology. What has been gained and what has been lost? We will also look at the scripture reading for the day telling the story of Isaiah’s call. How have we been called?
Come and join the discussion lead by Steve Sveom.
Sunday Forum | October 27; 9:40am
Realizing Our Vision for Ministry Congregational Leaders will be updating the congregation on direction of various ministry initiatives. Among the items in planning to be discussed are the following: Sacred Settlement: Financial Review & Process for Discernment...
Sunday Forum | October 6; 9:40am
Exodus 32 | Who or what is your God? The newly freed Israelites stopped at Mt Sinai on their way to the promised land while Moses went up the Mount to get an important word from God. Moses and God were delayed and the Israelites got tired of waiting for a word from...
Sunday Forum | September 29 @ 9:40am
As we approach the gruesome anniversary of the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel, we continue to lament over the on-going violence and trauma being perpetrated by both sides of this historical conflict.
Sunday Forum | May 5; 9:40am
Love, illustrated. Rev. Steve Thomason’s passion and calling is a fusion of art and theology. This is evident in his role at Luther Seminary where he is an Associate Professor of Spiritual Formation. Half of his responsibilities dwell in the realm of traditional...
Sunday Forum | Sunday, April 14; 9:40am
Young Adults, LCM, and the Future of the Church Lutheran Campus Ministry-Twin Cities bears witness to the love and mercy of Christ in the midst of 55,000 young adults at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. We often talk about young adults as the "future"...
Sunday Forum | February 11; 9:40am
The story of Jesus’ transfiguration has inspired countless artists over the centuries. We’ll use a variety of examples to engage this story even more deeply and wonder together how inspired artists might also inspire us to see God in some new and brilliant ways.
Sunday Forum | January 14; 9:40am
Luther Seminary professor of New Testament Kristofer Phan Coffman will provide us with an overview of the fast-moving Gospel of Mark, which we are currently following in our Sunday worship texts. https://youtu.be/x0lxq9HeKO0
Sunday Forum | Sunday, December 10; 9:40am
On Sunday, December 10 the Sunday Forum will be based on Richard Rohr's meditation on The Poverty of Christmas. (Plus there will be a fun Christmas Quiz!) You can find a copy of Richard Rohr's The Poverty Christmas by CLICKING HERE....
Sunday Forum | Sunday, November 26; 9:40am
Each Sunday in our prelude slides we declare in our Welcome Statement that we are “seeking reconciliation and wholeness,” and we post an Acknowledgment of Native Lands. We have invited Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy to our Adult Forum on November 26 to help us to explore and reflect on what these statements mean from her perspective as the ELCA’s first Native Woman Theologian with a Ph.D.
Sunday Forum | October 29; 9:40am
Join Mark Granquist, professor of the History of Christianity at Luther Seminary as he presents "What did Luther think he was doing?". More about Mark... Mark A. Granquist is Professor of the History of Christianity at Luther Seminary, a position he has held since...
Sunday Forum | October 15; 9:40am
Be My People The story of Ruth & Naomi is a powerful witness to capacity to create a life-sustaining family, even among those only related by circumstance. Our Special Guest, Heidi Wiste, is the President of Children’s Home Society of Minnesota and...
Sunday Forum | May 7; 9:40am
We proclaim that Prince of Peace welcomes all. Our new welcome statement names the circumstances of those who have been made to feel unwelcome in many places and affirms our intent to welcome them here. But that statement is just a beginning. How are...