Saturday, April 5; 9:00 – 11:00am

Last year the congregational council created three ‘spheres’ to help tend to the mission and ministry of Prince of Peace.  The “Loving the World” sphere focuses on the Congregational Care, Local Mission (Social Concerns), Global Mission and SPAS Ministry Partnerships.

If you have a heart for any of these areas, please join Sphere leaders Caryn and Jim Josephson on Saturday April 5 for an organizing workshop.  We will discuss how the sphere works, identify current and future ministries and talk through the 2025-2026 budgeting process.

Please sign up in the narthex if you are able to attend.  If you are interested in participating in this group but cannot attend, please reach out to the church office or Caryn Josephson at

Some of the current areas of focus include: