Monday, June 23 – Thursday, June 26

We will leave Prince of Peace on Monday morning, June 23, tent camp for 3 nights, and return on Thursday afternoon, June 26. The location of our camping trip will remain a mystery/surprise to the youth until we depart from church, however, I will send out our location to parents a few days in advance (or earlier if requested).

Travel will be no more than 4 hours from church—transportation via vans. Activities include bible study/devotions, camp cooking, swimming, a long hike (3-7 miles), cards, campfires, and more. 

Cost: $100/youth 

Note: Youth are welcome/encouraged to bring their camping gear and share tents. However, if you are interested in coming and do not have your own gear, please let Julene know and we will find some for you to borrow for the trip. Invite your friends too, the more the merrier! 

Registration is open until Wednesday, April 16th.  Registration forms can be emailed to Julene at or placed in the basket on her desk in the youth room. We hope you join us for a great week under the stars!