A new session of Chair YogaDevotion will begin Tuesday, January 7 and will run for eight weeks.

This class meets at 2:00pm each Tuesday in the Prince of Peace Sanctuary or on Zoom. The cost is $88.

You can register online using this link: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=5739129&stype=-7&sTG=43&sView=day&sLoc=0&date=12/31/24

Can’t commit to a full session? We have drop-in classes available where you can select how many classes you wish to attend!

If you prefer to pay by check please respond to this email so we can reserve your space and mail your check to:

Yogadevotion LLC
P.O. Box 131775
Saint Paul, MN 55113

If you need help registering, feel free to call Lori Buggs at 612-351-1195.

We look forward to seeing you on your mat in 2025!