For Anyone Curious to Learn More
Sunday, February 16, 4-5:30pm
In 2022, Prince of Peace began a journey to build relationships with the homeless in our community, many of whom had been taking refuge in our parking lot. Led by the Spirit, we became familiarized with a new model of caring for the chronically homeless using tiny houses on church land. By listening to God and to one another, we took some small steps, which led to bigger steps, and now we have a full-fledged ministry on our hands.

A little over two years later, we now have a ministry that is serving the chronically homeless in our midst. Three tiny homes have become the seeds of a community that is transforming not only the lives of our neighbors, but the hearts, minds, and spirits of this whole church. Don’t you think it’s time to come see it for yourself?
You are invited for an introductory conversation and tour of our facilities. You will learn how a full-community approach isn’t just a great way to address homelessness, it’s a great way to be the church God is calling us to be.

This session will be hosted by Alyssa Herrig, Prince of Peace’s Minister of Family Fun, Faith Formation, and Community Engagement. Bring your questions and your curiosity. Tour our facilities and meet others who are passionate about what God is up to, here in Roseville and wherever you are too.
Then stick around for dinner!
Join us for our regular monthly Community Dinner, 5:30-7pm. It’s a time when we share in conversations, celebrate milestones, and learn more about being a community built on love of neighbor. Meet others who are passionate about what is emerging here and those, like you, who are just curious.