June 23 – July 21 Worship Series

This series offered in concert with the high school youth of our congregation, preparing to attend the National Youth Gathering this summer in New Orleans.  “Created to Be” is the theme of the 2024 NYG and our worship in June and July will explore the same pattern youth from all over the country will experience together.

We have been created to be ourselves. Created by the Holy One. Since the last time the ELCA came together for an ELCA Youth Gathering, our young people have experienced several major life events. Still today, we are experiencing an ongoing public health crisis mixed with an economic and political crisis. However, we can rest assured that we are created to be in relationship with one another.

We are created to be brave, authentic, free, disruptive, and disciples.

Sunday, June 23 | 9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary
Text: Psalm 27:1-3, Matthew 26:36-46
Theme: Created to be brave.
Responding faithfully to the world God has placed us within means showing up with an open mind and heart, willing to be challenged.
Preaching: Rev. Scott Tunseth, PoP Member & Retired ELCA Clergy

Sunday, June 30 | 9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary
Text: Matthew 5:14-16
Theme:  Created to be authentic.
More than a buzzword, being authentic means bringing our whole selves and knowing that we are loved by our Creator.
Preaching: Debbie Jorgens, PoP’s Director of Visitation & Congregation Care
Take Note: This is Pride Sunday & Semi-Annual Meeting at 10:45am

Sunday, July 7 | 9:30am Worship in the PoP Parking lot (or indoors in the case of rain)
Text: Romans 12:2, Galatians 5:1, 13-15
Theme: Created to be free.
We aren’t held captive by the expectations of the world, instead we’re set loose to be transformed by the gospel.
Preaching: Peter Christ, Lead Pastor

Sunday, July 14 | 9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary
Text: Matthew 21:12-17
Theme: Created to be disruptive.
What the late John Lewis called, “good trouble,” we’re called to work for justice for all our siblings.
Preaching: Peter Christ, Lead Pastor
Take Note: Worship will include a blessing for Youth & Adult Leaders attending the National Youth Gathering.

Sunday, July 21 | 9:30am Worship in the Sanctuary
Text: Matthew 22:36-40, 1 John 4:19
Theme: Created to be disciples.
We are sent out into the world to love our neighbor just as we are loved by God.
Preaching: Peter Christ, Lead Pastor
Take Note:
A Big Band will be leading worship.