In reflecting on the profound writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer that were shared on Wednesday, we are invited into a deeper understanding of what it truly means to live as disciples of Christ. Bonhoeffer’s journey toward faith led him through the realization that true faith is not found in striving to live a saintly life apart from the world, but rather in fully engaging with the complexities and challenges of life itself.
As we ponder Bonhoeffer’s insights, we have to acknowledge that the path of discipleship is marked by “costly grace,” not the “cheap grace” of we Lutherans are so often accused of promoting. Bonhoeffer’s grace, freely given by God, calls us to follow Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, even at great personal cost. It condemns sin while justifying the sinner, reminding us that the very essence of grace is found in the sacrificial love of God, exemplified in the giving of God’s Son for our redemption.
Drawn together as God’s church here in Roseville, MN, we are called to embody this costly grace in our daily lives. We are called to practice compassion where the world denies justice, to speak out for truth in the face of lies, and to stand in solidarity with those who suffer. Our allegiance lies not with the values of the world but with the community of the body of Christ, where all are welcomed and embraced.
As we embrace the cost of discipleship, may we find strength and courage in the knowledge that we are not alone. God walks with us, sustaining us in our journey and empowering us to live fully in the midst of life’s challenges. Let’s heed the call to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, knowing that in doing so, we participate in the incarnation of God’s costly grace in the world.
May God’s peace find you today. -Pastor Peter
Let us pray… Gracious God, empower us to embrace costly grace, to live fully in this world, and to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Amen.