Today’s author is Prince of Peace member and Music Coordinator, Milt Warkentien.
The Peace Prayer attributed to St. Francis is an anchor of my faith, but the opening line has really haunted me this season.
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.”
With all the hatred we see in the world around us this phrase seems overwhelming, yet it seems like such a simple task, “How hard can it be”?
How hard can it be to let God’s light shine?
How hard can it be to love?
How hard can it be to help those in need?
How hard can it be to give?
How hard can it be to live as a friend?
How hard can it be to care?
How hard can it be to follow Christs lead?
How hard can it be to serve?
These all seem like simple enough tasks, yet at the same time they can seem daunting.
I’ve used my song “Living Christmas Card” before, but the words of this song have been in my heart a lot this season. The angels say “Do not be afraid”, but it can be hard not to be afraid. In Lessons and Carols we heard “Children of God do not be afraid, be hopeful, for the promise is illuminated” I hope we all can find hope in this baby born in Bethlehem.
My prayer for all of us is that we strive to take the Illuminated Promise out into the world. That we believe that many small things can produce great love. That we not become crushed by the non stop darkness that we see in our communities near and far. That we believe in the Christmas story and that we can be a difference.
Here’s Living Christmas Card to reflect on as we leave 2023 and head towards 2024.