Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

Yesterday, I shared the story of my friend and colleague Steve Sylvester, whose son died in a tragic accident earlier this year and for whom our congregation had hosted a funeral . As Steve reflected on the past few months, he was able to recognize that, all thing considered, he was doing ok.  As much as this kind of grief could have the capacity to cripple anyone, Steve was surprised by how he has been able to keep going.  And he credits his faith as the place from which he’s drawn whatever strength he’s needed to get through each new day.

Steve said, “I’m thankful that I believed before I had to.”

Wow. That really struck me. Gratefully, Steve agreed that I could share this with you. This so beautifully sums up one of the key reasons why we “practice” our faith. There are lots of reasons we can site for the value of being plugged into a community of faith, studying scripture, participating in worship, and all the routines of “being” the church. But to practice our belief so that it’s not only there to sustain us in difficult times, it’s actually strong enough to stand up to the most debilitating of challenges.

Steve believed in the God who loved his son, long before he had to.  He believed that God’s love is so unstoppable that not even death can end it.  And when death so tragically came, Steve had something to hang onto, something that had been so well-established in him that it was able to sustain him when the words failed, his legs gave out, and the grief threatened to consume him. 

What will you be able to rely on in the hardest times?  What is it that is the source of spiritual and emotional strength in your life?  Perhaps it’s the people God has placed in your life that pour everything they have into loving you.  Perhaps it’s the intellect that God has blessed you with that helps you problem solve in the face of unexpected challenge. How might it be the faith you have in God, or perhaps more importantly, the faith that God has in you?

Believe before you have to. And may God’s peace come to you today. -Pastor Peter

Let us pray… God, your faith in us is remarkable. May it be the reason we practice our own faith in you. Continue to bless us through your church, and may this faith we share be a source of strength in our lives. Amen.