Lent Worship Series Begins Ash Wednesday, March 2
Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.” (John 11:43-44)
When Jesus called out from the depth of sadness to his friend Lazarus, suddenly the unimaginable became possible. The God who speaks life into creation is unstoppable. What was dead was brought to life, foreshadowing the absurdly true promise God has made. As we turn our attention to the drama that will unfold during the story of Jesus’ final days, we’re reminded of all the ways we too have been wrapped up and bound for death. Journeying together in this Lenten season, we’ll take up the task of removing that which holds us back, and preparing for the moment we’ll be set free.
Ash Wednesday, March 2
Drive-thru ash imposition and blessing available 12-1pm & 5:30-6:30pm
Stay in your car as your approach the main entryway of the church and one of our pastors will reach in to place ashes on your forehead and offer a brief prayer and a blessing.
Worship in the Sanctuary at 7pm, live-stream available
The community will gather as we begin our lenten journey together, drawing strength and courage from the community to confront the individual constraints we all experience. Marking our foreheads with dust, we acknowledge that we die and return to the earth. At the same time, the dust traces the life-giving cross indelibly marked on our foreheads at baptism. While we journey through Lent to return to God, we have already been reconciled to God through Christ. We humbly pray for God to make our hearts clean while we rejoice that “now is the day of salvation.” Returning to our baptismal call, we more intentionally bear the fruits of mercy and justice in the world.
Sundays during Lent
Worship in the Sanctuary at 8:30am* and 10:30am,
We gather with John’s Gospel continuing as our companion, hearing Jesus move us ever closer to the cross. We listen to the Word, raise our voices in song and prayer, share in the Lord’s supper, and are sent back out into God’s world.
Faith Formation at 9:30am
- PoP Kids for children up to 5th grade.
- Foundations for youth 6th thru 12th grade.
- Sunday Forum in the sanctuary and available on Zoom.
Wednesdays during Lent
We Value…: A Community Conversation at 6pm
Join the pastors and congregation leaders as we explore the five values central to this congregation’s identity: relationship, generosity, caring, faith, and learning. How else might these values take expression in our life together?
Worship in the Sanctuary at 7pm; live-stream available
Each week we’ll listen to an original monolog delivered by a character from John’s Gospel story as we are led through Jesus’ final days. Once again, we will rely on Marty Haugan’s “Holden Evening Prayer” as we sing together this beautiful prayer setting to move us ever closer to God and to one another.