Today’s Author: Milt Warkentien

I don’t know about you, but I love getting Christmas cards/letters/pictures. I find waiting to see who sent us a Christmas card similar to the waiting one feels in Advent, in that we know we’ll get some, assuming we sent some last year, just as we know Christmas will eventually come, too. 

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Christmas cards bring joy, hope, peace, and love, too. It’s joyful to see children growing up and to know that your friendships is important to the people who send the cards. Christmas cards bring peace when you find out someone you’re worried about is doing okay, or the scene on the card gives you a peaceful feeling. Knowing people care about you gives us hope and love. 

When do some of your Christmas cards start arriving? Do you have some friends that seem to like being the first to send? Once I’ve received a few Christmas cards the waiting really begins, as I wonder who will send us a card this year? Will it be a card, card and letter, picture, picture and letter, or will you hit the jackpot with an envelope containing a card, letter and a picture? Seeing what’s in the mail each day is similar to opening a day on your Advent calendar, in that each day brings a different story.

I often wonder why it’s so hard to have this feeling all year long. Why is it so hard to stay connected to friends and family. Why is it so hard to make sure people know they’re loved, have hope, feel some joy and live in peace? My song “Living Christmas Card” explores these questions. I hope it helps you experience a bit of hope, peace, joy, and love.

Living Christmas Card


Isn’t it nice to get Christmas cards and letters in the mail. Isn’t it nice that this season we all take the time to care. It’d be so nice if the Christmas spirit lasted all year long, so take the time and live your life like you’re a living Christmas card.

1) How hard can it be to let God’s light shine? How hard can it be to love, for God sent his son, our freedom’s been won, oh why is it then so hard to love? (Refrain)

2) How hard can it be to help those in need? How hard can it be to give, for God sent his son, our freedom’s been won, oh why is it then so hard to give? (Refrain)

3) How hard can it be to live as a friend? How hard can it be to care, for God sent his son, our freedom’s been won, oh why is it then so hard to care? (Refrain)

4) How hard can it be to follow Christ’s lead? How hard can it be to serve, for God sent his son, our freedom’s been won, oh why is it then so hard to serve? (Refrain)

Dear God, help us to live our lives loving, giving, caring and serving. Help us be your lights to the world. Help us bring some hope, peace, joy and love to others each and every day of the year. Amen 

“Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community.  If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday contact Pastor Peter.