Today’s Author: Steve Sveom
A name has significance. It is a gift of grace to be known by others and to honor others by knowing their name. How intimate is it to hear a trusting voice call us “mom” or “dad”, “grandma” or “grandpa”, “son” or “daughter” or “friend”? If a person knows our name, they have a claim on us. We have a responsibility to them. The story of Moses’ encounter with God and his call to lead the people out of slavery includes God’s gift of sharing a name: “I AM WHO I AM.” This name, “YHWH” was too holy for the Israelites to speak. They would use “Adonai” or LORD to express God’s name. This gave them a responsibility to God and was a sign of God’s humility to offer a name that bound God to the people.
Each of us may have our favorite name or adjective to refer to God. For me, “Gracious God” draws me into God’s love and unfailing grace to me. Others may use the intimate “Father” or “Mother” as Jesus did. Or, “almighty” or “Savior”. The genius of the name “I AM WHO I AM” is that it doesn’t limit God or categorize God into a narrow range of one characteristic. God is more than “grace” or “love” or “Father” or “Mother.” God is beyond our narrow adjectives.
As Moses was called to do God’s work, he was given God’s name that could not be narrow or categorized. Moses’ objections of his own limits were met by a God who surpassed our limits and could accomplish great things. We can be sustained in our own weakness by a limitless God who can do great things in us and through us to love and care for the world and the people of this world. “I AM” sends us.
“I AM”, we marvel that you are greater than our limits or categories and beyond our weakness. Accomplish your work in us and through us today. Amen.
“Mid-week devotions are authored by members of our community. If you are interested in creating a trio of reflections to be shared on an upcoming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday contact Pastor Peter.“