Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

Today we celebrate Labor Day and the unofficial end of summer.  The State Fair is coming to a close and tomorrow kids head back to school.  For those of us no longer in school, we’ve marked this time of year by bringing school supplies for children at Central Park Elementary and blessing our students and teachers in worship yesterday as they begin a new school year.  The school year – like life in general right now – is so full of unknowns.  We’ve been through so many phases of Covid I can no longer keep track of them!  What we do know is that school is in person this fall and masking is again widespread.  Even though we have very effective vaccines, the Delta variant continues to spread.  Children under 12 who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated are the most susceptible. 

Our reading yesterday from Acts 16:16-40, focused on Paul and Silas in prison, also facing an unknown future.  They had every right to be angry for how they were treated and being held unjustly.  They had the opportunity for escape.  But in the challenging situation, they chose to stay put and to sing praises to God.  I have often wondered; would we be able to sing if we found ourselves imprisoned?  And if so, what songs would you be singing?

Let us pray,
Good and gracious God we ask your blessing on students, teachers, all those who labor, and people who are retired.  Give us the strength and courage to turn to you in challenging times and to remember all that you have done for us.  In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.