Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (ELCA), Roseville, MN
Semi-annual Meeting of the Congregation
Sunday, June 27, 2021 – In the Prince of Peace Parking Lot or on Zoom


I. Call to Order

II. Opening Prayer – Pastor Ruth Sorenson-Prokosch

III. Establishment of Quorum

IV. Approval of Minutes of January 31, 2021, and March 21, 2021

V. Old Business

  • President’s Report – Michael Stetzler
  • Ministry Updates

VI. New Business

  • 2021-22 Budget – Treasurer Chris Thornton

Motion (Congregational Council): The congregation of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Roseville MN adopts the 2021-22 Operating Budget as presented. (motion passed)

  • Roof Replacement Authorization

Motion (Congregational Council): The congregation of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Roseville MN authorizes spending up to $304,000 for the purpose of repairing designated areas of the church roof, installation of required safety rooftop safety barriers, and installation of an interior access to the roof. The project will be financed via borrowing from existing Diestler funds, to be repaid pursuant to a funding strategy to be submitted to the congregation for approval this fall (2021). (motion passed)

Watch the conversation had on Wednesday, June 23 regarding the roof below.

VII. Closing Prayer – Pastor Betsy Hoium

VIII. Adjournment