Over and over I have heard statements like, 

“We just don’t talk about the Holy Spirit much.”

“I can wrap my head around Creator God and Jesus, but I don’t understand the Spirit part of the Trinity.”

“How are we supposed to make sense of Spirit?” 

Words seem to fail us so often that we leave the Spirit out of our theological conversations all together. But the Spirit is never absent. Our uncertainty is not a barrier to the Spirit’s work in the world. Our understanding is not necessary for the wind, breath, flame of the Holy Spirit to come and transform our hearts and minds. As we hear the story of Pentecost this Sunday, I invite you to keep this poem by writer Amy Julia Becker in mind. Which lines resonate with you? What words make you nod in agreement or make you uncomfortable? What experiences of the Holy Spirit  in your life does it bring to mind? 

May we keep our eyes and hearts open to the fingerprints of God’s Holy Spirit today and always.

– In Peace, Pastor Ruth

“In nudges and whispers.
Like a seed growing, imperceptible at first.
Like wind, invisible, refreshing, transformative.
Like water, cleansing, renewing, powerful.
Unpredictably. Uncontrollably.
Praying: for us, with us, in us, through us.
Convicting, like a judge in a courtroom.
Comforting, like a mother with a frightened child in the middle of the night.
We know her work by experiencing it.
She will not be pinned down, can only be described with analogies.
But wherever there is forgiveness, redemption, reconciliation, grace,
she leaves her fingerprints.
Always the one connecting, making us into the Body of Christ, God’s hands in the world.” (Amy Julia Becker)

Let us pray: 
God our Creator, from whom all goodness flows: lead us by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit to keep our minds on that which is true, noble, right, pure, and lovely. Keep our hearts soft to the needs of the world, and keep our bodies ready to praise you and serve those in need. We ask these things in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Friend, Amen.