…Again. So is the church.
Over the course of the past year, we’ve had to adapt much of how we practice being the church because of forces well beyond our control. But now that we are gaining back much of that control, we also recognize a really important opportunity. Instead of just moving back to where we were before, we sense that God is calling us forward into something altogether new.
Moving forward instead of just back gives us the chance to take the best of what we did and who we were before and allow what is to come to be shaped by all that we have learned and experienced. As our leaders take up the task of evolving our various ministries once more, we want to give you a sense of what to expect in the near term and give you an opportunity to help us reflect on all that we have experienced in order to inform all the changes that are coming our way.
Worship In-Person
Recognizing that worship continues to be one of the central ways we are the church together, we’re pleased to be making some changes to our worship life over the course of the coming weeks.
Worship outdoors in the parking lot each Sunday at 10am; beginning Sunday, May 23.
- The open air will be our sanctuary where you can either be seated in your camp chairs or remain in your parked cars.
- For the duration of the summer, a 20′ x 30′ tent will be erected in the middle of the parking lot, opposite the main entry to provide extra shade or relief from inclement weather. A supply of golf umbrellas will also be available for anyone to use at their seats. You can even purchase an umbrella so you always have one on hand and ready to go – click here for more info. The tent will be available for use for other events and gathering throughout the summer as well
- Those who want to remain in their cars will be parked on either side of the tent while those wanting to sit in chairs will be under or in front of the tent.
- Worship leaders will be under the archway or nearby the main entryway of the building.
- The Smart Team is reviewing our safety protocols regarding masking but we will certainly be having congregational singing and maybe even some time for coffee and fellowship.
- Communion will be offered through individual pre-packaged elements distributed upon arrival.
- The content of this service will be similar to whatever is also still available to watch each week online.
Worship indoors in our sanctuary each Sunday at 8:30am; beginning Sunday, June 13.
- The available seating will be limited and participants will continue to practice social distancing by households.
- Masks will be required for all who enter the building and participate in worship.
- Congregational song will be led by worship leaders. Participants should still refrain from singing.
- Communion will be offered through individual pre-packaged elements distributed upon arrival.
- Services will continue to be 30-45 minutes in length.
- Post-worship fellowship will be limited to the parking lot.
Worship will continue to be available online beginning at 8:30am each week.
- We are preparing for an eventual live-streaming of the 8:30am service.
- A recording of this service will be available to watch on our YouTube channel anytime afterwards.