Our hearts break as the community continues to experience tragic acts of violence directed toward our neighbors of color. The death of Daunte Wright is yet another reminder of how broken our systems remain, systems that fall so far short of protecting, serving, and ensuring that all may thrive in ways that reflect God’s vision for our world. As we listen to the anguished cries of those who mourn this loss of life, those who know we must do better, and those who fear that change will never come, let’s be mindful that justice, mercy, and peace come only through love and humility (Micah 6:8). We don’t know all there is to know about Mr. White or Officer Potter but we do know that God calls on us to be agents of love and light in a world of pain and darkness. Together then, let’s ask God for guidance and peace.
Let us pray…
God, you are the source of the love and justice we long for in this world. Come to this community of the hurting, the angry, the scared, and the mourning. Give us the courage, the strength, and the humility to offer comfort to our neighbors, to listen deeply to their cries, and to let your love and your light flow through us. Bring your peace to us this day and in the days to come. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
-Pastors Betsy, Peter & Ruth