As the congregation continues its discernment of how God will work through Prince of Peace and the generous estate gift from Rose Diestler, these are brief summaries of the current proposals submitted by members of this community of faith.

Proposals are listed in reverse of the order received. The most recently submitted proposal is listed first.

Columbarium Statue

A columbarium statue will be built and installed on the marble slab that is a part of the Columbarium. ($12,000) Submitted by Dan Wagner. Contact Dan if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

H2O For Life

Fundraising match to support water for kids in Africa. ($10,000) Submitted by Lyla Burke. Contact Lyla & her mom Melissa if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council accepted the Generosity Committee’s recommendation to distribute $5,000 of the Diestler Estate Gift funds to support this project proposal. This proposal will remain active for further consideration by the congregation for an additional $5,000.

Prince of Peace Camp Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund would provide the finances necessary to continue our current scholarship mission as well as allow us to grow current and future programming. ($25,000) Submitted by Erika Wold. Contact Erika if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Solar Array and Roof Replacement

Fund a portion of the project to replace the roof and add a solar array. ($200,000) Submitted by James Ericksen. Contact James if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Worship Streaming Buildout

Furnish Sanctuary with the equipment necessary to maintain a streaming presence going forward, once in-building worship resumes. ($25,000) Submitted by Chris Thornton. Contact Chris if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council accepted the Generosity Committee’s recommendation to distribute $25,000 of the Mission Launch Fund (our 2017 Capital Campaign) to support this project proposal. This project is now fully funded from funds available outside of the Love Let Go initiative.

Rose’s Place

Loving our neighbors by using our resources to build affordable housing on the 2 acres of land south of the parking lot in partnership with another organization. ($300,000-$400,000) Submitted by Michael Stetzler on behalf of the Affordable Housing Team (see detailed proposal). Contact Michael if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council formally created an “Affordable Housing Team” to continue the exploratory work being conducted to address the growing concerns for families experiencing housing insecurity in Roseville. The council also designated $10,000 from the Mission Launch Fund (our 2017 Capital Campaign) to help support the work of this team. This action does not change the proposal listed here.

Support Camp WAPO

Support camp WAPO to help with the loss of income due to camper loss. ($10,000) Submitted by Paul Thompson. Contact Paul if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council accepted the Generosity Committee’s recommendation to distribute $5,000 of the Diestler Estate Gift funds to support this project proposal. This proposal will remain active for further consideration by the congregation for an additional $5,000.

For I was hungry and you fed me…

This project provides funding through December 31, 2020 for the paper goods and non-entree food items used in bag lunches Soup For You (SFY) provides now that our cafe/table service has closed due to the pandemic. ($15,000) Submitted by Janet Brahier. Contact Janet if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council accepted the Generosity Committee’s recommendation to distribute $15,000 of the Diestler Estate Gift funds to support this project proposal. This proposal is now fully funded.

Luther Seminary Scholarship for Iringa Student

Contribute towards a Bega kwa Bega fundraiser to provide a 2-year scholarship that will allow a student from the Iringa Diocese to attend Luther Seminary. ($10,000) Submitted by Caryn Josephson. Contact Caryn if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Capital Projects for Bomalang’ombe

Provide funds for larger capital projects in Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa parishes. ($50,000) Submitted by Caryn Josephson. Contact Caryn if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Vehicle for Iringa Hope Micro Finance Institute in Iringa, Tanzania

Iringa Hope needs a second vehicle to better serve the increase in membership in villages around Iringa. ($35,000) Submitted by Caryn Josephson. Contact Caryn if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Support for Lutheran Social Services Minnesota

To support Lutheran Social Services as the demand for their services to families has increased. ($10,000) Submitted by Linda Olson. Contact Linda if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council accepted the Generosity Committee’s recommendation to distribute $5,000 of the Diestler Estate Gift funds to support this project proposal. This proposal will remain active for further consideration by the congregation for an additional $5,000.

Support for Second Harvest’s Food Purchases

Second Harvest Heartland is having to purchase more food supplies and develop new ways of distribution to meet the increased demand for food assistance as food donations from manufacturers have decreased. ($10,000) Submitted by Linda Olson. Contact Linda if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council accepted the Generosity Committee’s recommendation to distribute $5,000 of the Diestler Estate Gift funds to support this project proposal. This proposal will remain active for further consideration by the congregation for an additional $5,000.

New Robes & Stoles for Chancel Choir

Additional funding for the purchase of 40-45 new choir robes to replace the current ones which are believed to be over 30 years old. ($2500) Submitted by Kathy Tunseth. Contact Kathy if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council accepted the Generosity Committee’s recommendation to distribute $2500 of undesignated Memorial Gift funds to support this project proposal. This project is now fully funded from funds available outside of the Love Let Go initiative.

Raising a Reader

The goal of this project is to partner with at-risk families to build home libraries for our communities’ earliest learners by offering books to families who might otherwise be unable to provide books for their young children. ($15,000) Submitted by Barbara Burkhardt. Contact Barb if you would like to know more or get involved with this initiative. View a copy of the full proposal…

Update: On June 9, the Congregation Council accepted the Generosity Committee’s recommendation to distribute $5,000 of the Diestler Estate Gift funds to support this project proposal. This proposal will remain active for further consideration by the congregation for an additional $10,000.