Earlier this year, the Big Ideas team was invited to participate in a mini-retreat that helped identify our annual theme for the coming program year. It was a fun, creative and reflective morning as we settled on “Listen. Learn. Love.”
Two concepts emerged from my creative design process: a dove and a circle.
First, a dove with an olive branch can symbolize a new beginning. The story of the dove and olive branch first appeared in the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark from Genesis 8:11. The process of telling our stories over the past year has opened the possibility for us to listen to other’s stories and be transformed by those relationships.
Second, circles are among the oldest of geometric symbols. Pythagoras called the circle “monad,” the most perfect of creative forms, without beginning or end, without sides or corners. For us, the circle can be connecting with our community over meaningful conversations and through powerful experiences to explore new perspectives.