New Worship Schedule for Summer

New Worship Schedule for Summer

Beginning with Memorial Day Weekend on May 26! While it was still fresh in our minds last fall, the worship planning team surveyed the congregation about our summer worship practices. Based on the feedback we received, plans have been made for the coming summer and we’re incorporating some new elements to our practices.

Exploring “Coco” More Deeply

Exploring “Coco” More Deeply

Haven’t had a chance to see the movie?  Click here to watch a 10-minute summary.  Movie Clips Here’s the link to coloring pages and activities for kids. Coco Color Pages Join Pastor Betsy and people of all ages to discuss the movie Sunday, Aug. 2 at 7 p.m. in what we...
Popsicle Social on June 11

Popsicle Social on June 11

Let’s Celebrate!  It’s the end of the school year, the end of Sunday School & Confirmation, and the beginning of Minnesota Summer! To celebrate, children, youth and families are invited to a drive by Popsicle Social in the Prince of Peace parking lot on Thursday,...
Looking Ahead to Summer

Looking Ahead to Summer

It’s not too early to be thinking about those warm summer days in June, July and August! Here are things to put on your calendar: Worship on Victoria at Island Lake Park on Wednesday eveningsCommunity Night at the Roseville Oval to see the movie Toy Story 4, Friday,...