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Tanzania 2025 Planning Meeting
Sunday, March 2; 12:00pm We are planning to visit our Tanzanian Companion Congregations of Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa in August or September 2025. If you have a strong interest in joining this year’s travel group, we will meet on March 2at 12:00pm in the Meeting Room...
Process-Relational Theology Discussion Group
Saturday, March 8; 10:00 - 11:30am The Process-Relational Theology group will meet on Saturday, March 8, from 10:00-11:30am, to discuss the contributions of three feminist Process theologians. If you are interested in joining us for the first time, please contact...
Children & Youth Choir
Children & youth are invited to sing in a choir this spring. Please fill out the survey for the dates that work best for your family. Survey
Lenten Mentors
Confirmation students are highly encouraged to participate in the Lenten Mentor program. You will meet with your mentor for approximately 10 minutes before Wednesday Lenten Worship at 6:30pm and 10 minutes after. If you have identified a mentor or request a specific...
Community Dinner
Sunday, March 16 We need a main course maker for March & April! If you would like to volunteer, please contact Alyssa Herrig. Reimbursement for the meal is available.