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The Latest Church News
Every Monday, from September 30 to October 14; 6:30 - 8:30pm at Roseville Lutheran Church If we can't talk about racism in our own churches, where can we talk about it? Roseville Lutheran Church is presenting an exciting community event this fall! Along with St....
Thank You for School Supplies
Prince of Peace is known for its generosity. The Judy Florine School Supplies Drive was overwhelming. The donations were delivered to Central Park Elementary School on August 29 and were received with much appreciation. Thank you to ALL who contributed the many...
Pop Machine @ PoP
The pop machine at Prince of Peace has moved to the northwest entrance (near the youth room). Pop costs $.75 and all proceeds support PoP's Youth Ministry. Please reach out to Julene Hannesh with any questions.
Story Matters Worship Series
September 8 - 29 “You are the story of Jesus, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on stone but on human hearts.” 2 Cor. 3:3 (Pastor Peter’s paraphrase) Story Matters is our “BIG idea” for the coming year. This programmatic theme...
Sunday Morning Schedule Shift
Beginning Sunday, Sept. 8, our Sunday morning schedule shifts to accommodate two worship times and a time block in between for faith formation and community events. Worship at 8:30am & 10:45am. Faith Formation & Community Events at 9:40am.