Welcome to this holy night, where we gather to celebrate the extraordinary story of Christ’s birth. In the quiet town of Bethlehem, among humble shepherds and a young couple with no place to stay, God entered the world in the most ordinary of ways. Yet through this child, everything changed—the hopes of the weary, the longings of the broken, and the future of all creation were transformed. Tonight, we remember that this extraordinary story is still unfolding, inviting us to receive the light of Christ into our own lives and share it with the world.
We are grateful for your support for the mission and ministry of Prince of Peace! If you have financial donations that you would like to count towards the 2024 tax year, please do one of the following: Bring to worship on December 24 or December 29 Mail to the...
We have multiple opportunities to serve your church. The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for a number of leadership positions to be elected at the upcoming semi-annual meeting of the congregation on Sunday, Jan. 26. 2025.
Sunday, December 22; 8:30 & 10:45am Come join Chancel Choir for the Lessons and Carols worship services on Sunday, December 22! Plan to rehearse with the choir on Wednesdays, December 11 and 18 from 7:30 to 8 pm in the sanctuary. We will sing at both the 8:30 and...
Advent is a time of reflection, anticipation, and preparation as we journey toward the celebration of Jesus’ birth. During these sacred evenings, we join in Marty Haugen’s beloved Holden Evening Prayer, a liturgical setting that beautifully captures the quiet hope and expectant joy of this holy season.