Complete Joy

July and August often bring a change of pace, a chance to step back from our hectic schedules and find moments of rest. (That’s what I’m up to this week!) In this season of respite, we have a unique opportunity to delve deeply into a profound bit of scripture and allow its truths to resonate within us. Sunday, we’ll embark on a six-week journey through the book of 1 John, titled “Complete Joy.” As we do, let’s take a moment to reflect on the significance of slowing down during these summer months.

Spread Love Everywhere

Yesterday, we concluded our worship series, “Created to Be” with the final calling to be disciples. We recognized that our actions of love and service are profound witnesses to the transformative power of God’s love. In a world often skeptical of religious faith, the way we live out our discipleship can speak volumes, sometimes more powerfully than words alone.

An Ordinary Kind of Holy

“See the holy in the ordinary,” encourages author and theologian Diana Butler Bass. As we conclude our “Created to Be” series this weekend, we’re called to remember the ways in which we seek to follow Jesus’ lead. We need Jesus, just as the world needs us. We are created to be disciples, ones who follow and encourage others onto the same path.

Faithful Disruptors

Yesterday, as we explored how we’re “Created to Be Disruptive,” we were reminded of the profound impact that faithful disruption can have on society. One powerful historical example is the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, particularly the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other faith leaders. Rooted in their Christian faith, they challenged the oppressive systems of racial segregation and injustice.

Turning Over Tables

This weekend, our series continues with the theme “Created to Be Disruptive.” On Sunday we’ll reflect on the powerful moment when Jesus entered the temple and disrupted the status quo. In Matthew 21:12-17, Jesus overturns the tables of the money changers and drives out those who were exploiting the sacred space for profit. His actions were a bold statement against the injustices and corrupt practices that had taken root in the very heart of religious life.