Minnesota food shelves are seeing a 30% increase in people coming to them for supplemental food. The end of Covid related increases in SNAP (food support through the county) and growing populations of underemployed are producing a strain on Minnesota’s food support systems and the March food drive is more important than ever.
2022 was a record high for food shelf use, and 2023 is expected to exceed that. But we as a faith community can help stamp our hunger.
March FoodShare month is our opportunity to join with other MN organizations to restock the food shelves and prepare for summer, when children are out of school and no longer provided food support through the school system.
During the month of March please bring non-perishable food and monetary donations (write FoodShare in memo line) to Prince of Peace. Food items can be placed in the grocery cart in the atrium. Financial support can be placed in the offering plate, mailed to PoP or dropped off anytime the PoP office is open.
Food donated to PoP is given to Keystone Community Services.
Here is a list of Keystones most needed items:
- Rice
- Peanut butter
- Pasta
- Canned fruit/meat
- Cooking oil
- Sugar
- Flour
- Soy sauce
- Fish sauce
- Non-food items are: Laundry detergent, toilet paper, dish soap, paper/plastic/reusable grocery bags