Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

Today our building at Prince of Peace will be teeming with hopes, fears, dreams, and action. As an election polling place, we get to be the place of agency for our neighbors acting out their civic responsibility. It is an honor and a privilege. If you haven’t already, I hope that you exercise your right to vote today. 

As a community, I hope you will pray with me:

Gracious God, each person who lines up to vote in our building today is made in your image. Each one loved, each one important to a family member or friend. Each one our neighbor whether we know their name or not. Help us to see one another as your beloved children. As we see the lines of those waiting to vote wrap in and through and around our building, may we offer our blessing of peace, which is your blessing of peace, to each person. May our building be a place of patience, good humor, constant mask wearing, and respectful spacing. And when tomorrow comes, may we keep blessing our neighbors with your peace as we show up to feed the hungry, house the unsheltered, love the lonely, and proclaim that your love and grace is for every one of us. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen. 

In Peace, Pastor Ruth