Sunday, February 16; 12:00pm

We are planning to visit our Tanzanian Companion Congregations of Bomalang’ombe and Vikongwa in 2025.  Jim and Caryn Josephson will share information on what it’s like to travel to Tanzania, what types of things we do on our visits, sample itineraries and options for timing.  If you are interested in traveling with us in 2025, traveling at some time in the future or even if you’re just curious to hear more about our partnership and see some pictures from previous trips, you are welcome to join us after church on February 16 at 12:00 pm to learn more! 

If you are interested in learning more, but cannot attend on February 16, please contact Caryn Josephson at

To quote Pastor Mdegela from Vikongwa parish:  “… we will be very happy to see you visit us. We say with a sincere heart, welcome to Tanzania, WELCOME TO YOUR HOME VIKONGWA.”